Whether you’re a care management associate, RN case manager, social worker, or collaborating physician, working with a healthcare recruiter can increase your chances of success in securing the job you really want. Heed these tips for ensuring a strong fit between you and a potential employer.

Join a National Network of Healthcare Professionals

The first step is to join a national network of healthcare professionals like the one we offer here at Grace Care Consulting. This network includes registered nurses, community healthcare workers, social workers, pharmacists, physicians, and non-clinical support staff who are seeking consulting, permanent, temp to permanent, or per diem options.

When you partner with a trusted healthcare employment agency, you can be assured your skillset will be matched with the clients’ needs to ensure a strong fit. You will also be assured of competitive pay and benefits. Finally, getting connected with the ideal client will also ensure precision of quality services.

4 Things to Keep in Mind

Here’s what to consider when working with a healthcare recruiter.

  1. Be transparent:

    Honesty is key. Bending the truth with your recruiter will only serve to come back to haunt you later. Don’t misrepresent yourself by hiding things when it comes to your experience, qualifications, or background. Those issues, even if they seem small at the time, could come to light during a background or reference check and creating an embarrassing situation. This is why you’re better off being completely honest from the beginning.

  2. Listen to their insights:

    Your recruiter’s job is to choose job opportunities they believe you would be a good match for, and vice versa with the client. They have likely been in this business for a long time, so you would be wise to heed their insights and directions. Perhaps they may ask you to improve your resume, or maybe they have some interviewing skills they suggest you brush up on. Whatever it is, follow their advice because it will only make you a stronger candidate.

  3. Ask questions:

    Get clarification when you need it and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Look into what certain companies are looking for to further hone your expectations. Tell your recruiter about any special skills you have that they can highlight to the client.

  4. Be professional:

    No, the recruiter isn’t the one who makes the final hiring decision, but they do help place you into jobs they feel you are uniquely qualified for. When meeting or conversing with them, treat them as you would treat a hiring manager during a formal interview. Keeping up with a high level of professionalism at all times is important in projecting confidence, expertise, motivation, and knowledge.

Here’s What NOT to Do

On the other side of the coin, there are some Don’ts you should heed as well.

  1. Don’t end the communication:
    If you decide not to move forward with a specific position, tell the recruiter right away instead of ghosting them. Good recruiters won’t pressure you to keep going for a job you really don’t want. They will appreciate your honesty and professionalism if you’re upfront with them. Then they can move onto the next candidate without wasting time.
  2. Don’t pester:
    It’s always good to follow up with a recruiter, but there’s a fine line between following up for professionalism’s sake and being a pest. Checking in once a week is considered ideal; checking in every day is considered hounding and will turn them off to you.
  3. Don’t take it personally:
    If you don’t get the job you want, don’t take it personally. It doesn’t mean you did anything wrong; it’s more likely that you just don’t possess the skill set for that opening. Ask your recruiter to let you know any important information that could help you improve your chances for next time.
  4. Don’t go above the recruiter’s head:
    Some people may go around the recruiter and contact the client directly if they feel things aren’t moving as quickly as they would like. But you should never contact the client on your own, as it could negatively affect your candidacy.
  5. Don’t cancel an interview at the last minute:
    Recruiters work hard to get candidates interviews, and canceling last minute makes them — and you – look bad. They may decide not to work with you going forward, as their reputation depends on the professionalism and follow-through of their candidates.

Contact Grace Care Consulting Today

Learn more about our talent acquisition and healthcare consulting services for the managed care industry by completing our online form or calling us anytime. Our national network of healthcare professionals includes registered nurses, community healthcare workers, social workers, physicians, non-clinical support, and pharmacists who are available to work in a consulting, permanent, temp to permanent, or per diem basis.